Customer reviews


Rating : 7

It got a little emotional for me but I feel so uplifted and positive. Thank you for everything and to my loved ones who came through.

See all Amelia reviews


Average rating


Rating : 9

Wow!! This lady is straight in with her understanding of the situation and the person and she gives lots and lots of information about the situation and how it will play out. I highly highly recommend her.

See all Lily reviews


Average rating


Rating : 9

Sophie is very lovely, not time waste or waffling, straight to the point, feels very kind and caring. Gave me hope and encouragement, thank you! x

See all Sophie reviews


Average rating


Rating : 8

Fingers crossed her prediction happens and I can come back for a different kind of reading and let her know her predictions came true

See all Arthur and Brenda reviews


Average rating


Rating : 9

I am so delighted to submit you a positive review because you truly deserve it. You were ‘spot on’ with my situation & picked details of people around me without any prompts

See all Harry reviews


Average rating


Rating : 10

Absolutely spot on

See all Aryan reviews


Average rating


Rating : 10

Very gifted and kind young man. Thank you for my reading today.

See all Richard reviews


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Rating : 9

Given me the tools and confidence I need to get my relationship back on track

See all Theo and Isabelle reviews


Average rating


Rating : 8

Have just a really lovely reading with George, he gave me some really valuable insights into my situation and while it wasn't all sunshine and roses, it was empathic and genuine.

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My favourite and best here

Rating : 10

Marcus doesn’t just waste your mins and keep dragging you to talk without giving you answers . He reassure you , tell you the truth and make sure give you the best advice needed at the time . Whenever I speaks to him and I answer whether it what I wanted to hear or not .. it always ease me . Sometime we just want to hear things to just go to bed or feel at peace . Marcus keeps it real like it or not he will tell you what he sees and feels but in a way that will calm you and give you hope no matter the outcome of your conversation. Thank you for always keeping it real .

See all Marcus reviews


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