Customer reviews

Jenna Jenna
7.3 Average rating

The insights I got from Jenna were incredibly relevant to my life. Her detailed explanations made it easy to understand.

Emily Emily
8.4 Average rating

Always great, very good one

Emily Emily
8.4 Average rating

A very interesting session! I recommend it to you! I hope it will be as beneficial for you as it was for me. Much love to you Emily.

Charlotte Charlotte
8.6 Average rating

10/10 for pendulum readings!

George George
8.6 Average rating

Had a couple of readings with George now, everything he predicts comes to fruition.

Oliver Oliver
8.6 Average rating

Spot on with everything. Cheers.

Ethan Ethan
8.4 Average rating

It all made total sense & I'll follow your advice

Sophie Sophie
8.4 Average rating

Absolutely amazing spot on and I will be doing my affirmations. Love and light xxx

Aryan Aryan
8.2 Average rating

I truly enjoyed your reading; he was on point and very direct with his information. I am looking forward to his prediction and more of his insight in the future. Thank you again and Godspeed.

Marcus Marcus
9.1 Average rating

Marcus is a warm and engaging medium. He is accurate and uplifting and I’d definitely recommend a reading with him.