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  • Astrologer
  • Claircognisant
  • Clairvoyant
  • Sixth sense
This is a medium that can truly understand and empathize with grief and overcoming obstacles in the human experience. Demarte has a special interest in helping break habits and addictions as well as walking the path of grief with those experiencing it. He is an open-minded individual who welcomes alternative perspectives different modes of spiritualism. Demarte has learned through life’s trials to communicate with angel guides through his connection with crystal light work.
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Customer reviews

Average Rating: 7.1

I feel this man is guided by good spirits. Hope I'm right

What great feedback from you! You are a remarkable person!

Very understanding and shows empathy in all their sessions.

Thank you for not giving up on me when everyone else was giving up. Thank you for showing me that my path could be much brighter than it is now.

The experience was incredible. I needed to connect with being deceased and he did it. They gave me answers to questions that I needed and they were true. They knew things about me and my loved one that I didn't tell him. Just what I needed. Great professional.

They guided me and made my life more positive.

Some areas were a little generic, having said that, there were times they were scarily accurate and was almost reading my mind.

A Life-Changing Experience. Thank you!
